
TAKE THAT - Progress

Hurray, hurray! Take That put together again, including Robbie Williams...Read more...

CHERRY GHOST - Beneath This Burning Shoreline

Indie is like the Schengen Area. It does not know bounds. A lot of performers come under tempt of free movement, but not everybody is able to use it in behoof.Read more...

THE CORAL – Butterfly House

After Alex Turners Humbug, I have got feeling that all interesting what should British guitar bands say has been said, until Coral filled up my ears by new optimism. Proximity of Liverpool air, sign of 60-ties psychedelics, and country, folk and modern pop-rock radiates from their new release.Read more...


If you already know principle of Blackmore’s Night music and lifestyle, you probably won’t find anything innovative here. Blackmore’s family stay loyal to their own sound composite of rock, folk, renaissance similitude, echoes of Scottish and Irish world music etc...Read more...